The configuration file for this plugin is system/BFMatch/BFMatchConfig.xml
The command to start the reporting. You can set the authLevel to control who is allowed to access
the command. The output is used to define where the output from the command will go.
<commandStart authLevel="trusted" output="notice">!startbf</commandStart>
The command to stop the reporting. You can set the authLevel to control who is allowed to access
the command. The output is used to define where the output from the command will go.
<commandStop authLevel="trusted" output="notice">!startbf</commandStop>
The command to set the visible chat levels. You can set the authLevel to control who is allowed
to access the command. The output is used to define where the output from the command will go.
<commandChatLevel authLevel="trusted" output="notice">!startbf</commandChatLevel>
The command to turn on/off the flag setting mode. You can set the authLevel to control who is
allowed to access the command. The output is used to define where the output from the command will go.
<commandFlagMode authLevel="trusted" output="notice">!startbf</commandFlagMode>
Server details and log sender connection information.
host - host name/ip of the server that the logs are coming from
port - port to use to connect to the server side log sender
password - password to allow connection to the server side log sender
<server host="123.456.789.999" port="4444" password="password"/>
Game server details used for querying (using the QueriEd library).
type - game type
ip - host name/ip of the game server
queryport - query port of the game server
localport - local port to use when querying
<gameserver type="BF" ip="123.456.789.999" queryport="23000" localport="27777"/>
How long, in seconds, to wait between showing ticket status.
The chat level to use by default.
off - no chat messages
public - only public chat messages
all - public and team chat messages
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
${playerTeam} - the team name of the player
<createPlayer>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] joined ${playerTeam}</createPlayer>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColouredOld} - the name that the player had
${playerColoured} - the new name the player has changed to
<changePlayerName>${playerColouredOld} changed name to ${playerColoured}</changePlayerName>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
<disconnectPlayer>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] disconnected</disconnectPlayer>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
${playerTeam} - the team the player changed to
<setTeam>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] changed to ${playerTeam}</setTeam>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${tickets_axis} - the number of tickets the axis team have
${tickets_allied} - the number of tickets the allied team have
<roundInit>Tickets :: Axis: ${tickets_axis} - Allied: ${tickets_allied}</roundInit>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${map} - the map being started
${tickets_axis} - the number of tickets the axis team have
${tickets_allied} - the number of tickets the allied team have
<restartMap>Map restarted (${map}) :: Tickets :: Axis: ${tickets_axis} - Allied: ${tickets_allied}</restartMap>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${server name} - name of the server
${modid} - mod code that the server is running
${map} - the map being started
${gametime} - round time
${ticketratio} - ticket ratio
<server>${server name} :: ${modid} :: Map: ${map} :: Round time: ${gametime} :: Ticket ratio: ${ticketratio}%</server>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
${weapon} - the name of the weapon used
${victimColoured} - the name of the victim in the team colour
${victimScore} - overall score of the victim
${victimKills} - current kills of the victim
${victimDeaths} - current deaths of the vitcim
<scoreEvent>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] [$OLIVE${weapon}$NORMAL] ${victimColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${victimScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${victimKills}$NORMAL/$RED${victimDeaths}$NORMAL]</scoreEvent>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
${victimColoured} - the name of the victim in the team colour
${victimScore} - overall score of the victim
${victimKills} - current kills of the victim
${victimDeaths} - current deaths of the vitcim
<teamKill>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] team killed ${victimColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${victimScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${victimKills}$NORMAL/$RED${victimDeaths}$NORMAL] - DOH!</teamKill>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
<teamKilledSelf>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] killed themself ... ROFL!</teamKilledSelf>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
<isNoMore>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] is no more</isNoMore>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${playerScore} - overall score of the player
${playerKills} - current kills
${playerDeaths} - current deaths
${flag} - name of the flag captured
<flagCapture>${playerColoured} [$DARK_GREEN${playerScore}$NORMAL/$BLUE${playerKills}$NORMAL/$RED${playerDeaths}$NORMAL] captured a flag (${flag})</flagCapture>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${chat} - the public chat message
<chat>${playerColoured} $DARK_GRAYsaid:$NORMAL "${chat}"</chat>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${playerColoured} - the name of the player in the team colour
${chat} - the team chat message
<chatTeam>${playerColoured} $LIGHT_GRAYsaid [TEAM]:$NORMAL "${chat}"</chatTeam>
How the output for this event will appear. The colours and formatting are
explained in the Output Formatting page.
${winningteam} - the name of the winning team
${winTickets} - the ticket count of the winning team
${losingteam} - the name of the losing team
${loseTickets} - the ticket count of the losing team
<roundstats>Round result: ${winningteam} ${winTickets} - ${loseTickets} ${losingteam}</roundstats>