LDAPQuery (v1.0)
The configuration file for this plugin is system/LDAPQuery/LDAPQueryConfig.xml
First of all you need to specify which LDAP server to connect to
using a hostname, a port number and a username (bindDN) and a password.
Please note that at the moment it's only supported to connect to
non-SSL LDAP servers.
A command to show which LDAP searches are in the current configuration.
The output attribute isn't actually used for this command.
It is just provided for compatibility, so don't mess with it. The result is
allways returned as DCC chat.
output - PM
<commandShowTriggers authLevel="none" output="pm">ldap</commandShowTriggers>
A character or a series of characters to use as separator when using parameters in a trigger, for example in !show a#b#3 the # character is the paramSeparator. Default is a space.
<paramSeparator> </paramSeparator>
Create a trigger (new command) that the bot will respond to. The plugin will perform
the LDAP search associated with the trigger. The result is always shown
in the channel.
trigger - The command which executes the LDAP search
baseDN - A tree node from where the search will be performed
scope - How to perform the search (base, one, sub)
filter - What do actually search for
<search trigger="!getadminuser" baseDN="cn=Users,dc=develix,dc=net">
<param scope="sub" />
<param filter="(uid=orcladmin)" />
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Show all SELECT statements
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Command: ldap
Description: Shows you a list of LDAP searches in the current configuration.
Auth Level: none
Where to give command: pm
Outputs to: DCC chat
Command: !getadminuser
Description: This is an example command on how you can utilize this plugin.
Auth Level: none
Where to give command: channel
Outputs to: channel