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Reminder (v1.0)



Reminds you of something after a given amount of time.

Leave a reminder with the bot for yourself in normal language and get notified when the reminder time is up. You can then pop a pizza in the oven and tell the bot to remind you in 15 minutes to take the pizza out of the oven, so that as you get back to your IRC chatting or other activities, you will be notified (and probably highlighted) when the bot reminds you that it is time to do something.


There is no configuration file for this plugin.


Set a reminder

Command: remind me
Description: This will create a reminder
Auth Level: none
Where to give command: channel
Outputs to: channel

  • remind me in 15 mins to take the pizza out of the oven
  • remind me in 2 hours and 30 mins to get ready to go

Change History

v1.0 First Version by DeadEd