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Feed Reader (v1.0)


A plugin for PPF to display news from RSS/Atom feeds.

The plugin fetches RSS/Atom Feeds from the web and announces them in channels. Highly configurable.


The configuration file for this plugin is system/FeedReader/FeedReaderConfig.xml


One or more channels, to which new items are sent to.

Optional, if omitted news is not announced automatically.
Can be overridden by per-channel settings.




List of the monitored feeds.

Feed Attributes.

  • xmlUrl required, URL of the feed
  • shortcut optional, for !news command
  • updateFrequency optional, override default updateFrequency
  • channels optional, override default channel list, separators: space, tab, comma, semicolon
  • format optional, override default format, see below

	    <feed shortcut="deaded" xmlUrl="http://www.deaded.com/backend/deaded.rdf"/>
	    <feed shortcut="jawe" xmlUrl="http://blog.jawe.net/blog/?flavor=rss2"
	            format="-[ $feedTitle | $BOLD$title$BOLD | $DARK_GREEN$link$DARK_GREEN | $dateTime ]-"/>



Default update frequency in seconds.

Do not set this too low or you'll annoy the webmasters.
Optional, defaults to 3600 (1h) if omitted
Can be overridden by per-channel settings.




Delay before fetching starts and between initial fetches in seconds.

Optional, defaults to 60 (1m)




Number of items per feed to display on startup.

Optional, defaults to 0




Maximum number of new items displayed per retrieval.

Optional, defaults to 5




Format for displayed news entries.

May contain the following variables:
$feedTitle, $feedLink, $feedAuthor, $feedDate, $feedDateTime, $feedTime, $author, $title, $link, $date, $dateTime, $time, $shortcut $BLUE, $BOLD, $BROWN, $CYAN, $DARK_BLUE, $DARK_GRAY, $DARK_GREEN, $GREEN, $LIGHT_GRAY, $MAGENTA, $NORMAL, $OLIVE, $PURPLE, $RED, $REVERSE, $TEAL, $UNDERLINE, $WHITE, $YELLOW.

Note that a feed may omit some variables, if so the variable will be replaced with an empty string..
Optional, defaults to optional, defaults to: $feedTitle: $BOLD$title$BOLD -> $BLUE$UNDERLINE$link$BLUE

    <format>$feedTitle: $BOLD$title$BOLD -&gt; $BLUE$UNDERLINE$link</format>



Public command to display latest news.

If called without parameters, it shows a usage message.
Optional, defaults to !news




Number of items displayed when commandNews is issued.

Optional, defaults to 5




Max. number of entries displayed when commandNews is issued with a count parameter

Optional, defaults to 10




Public command to list available feed shortcuts.

Optional, defaults to !feeds




Min. auth level to edit subscriptions.

This affects the commands !subscribe and !unsubscribe.
Possible values (case insensitive): NONE, ANY, TRUSTED, MASTER, ADMIN.




Command to add a feed. (authorized users only, see authLevel)

If called without parameters, it shows a usage message.
Optional, defaults to !subscribe




Command to remove a feed (authorized users only, see authLevel)

If called without parameters, it shows a usage message.
Optional, defaults to !unsubscribe




Command to display information about a feed (authorized users only, see authLevel)

If called without parameters, it shows a usage message.
Optional, defaults to !feedinfo




Displaying new entries

Command: !news <shortcut> [count] [start]
Description: Displays entries from a feed.
Auth Level: none
Where to give command: channel or private message
Outputs to: notice to sender

  • !news
  • !news bbcworld

Displaying feed shortcuts

Command: !feeds
Description: Displays available feed shortcuts.
Auth Level: none
Where to give command: channel or private message
Outputs to: notice to sender

  • !feeds

Subscribing to or editing feeds

Command: !subscribe [-u URL] [-s shortcut] [-c channels] [-p updateFrequency] [-f format]
Description: Subscribe to a feed. If a feed with this url already exists, it's subscription properties are updated.
Auth Level: ADMIN
Where to give command: channel or private message
Outputs to: notice to sender

  • !subscribe
  • !subscribe -u http://www.deaded.com/backend/deaded.rdf
  • !subscribe -s deaded -u http://www.deaded.com/backend/deaded.rdf
  • !subscribe -s deaded -f "$dateTime: $BOLDfeedTitle$BOLD $title [$link]

Unubscribing from feeds

Command: !unsubscribe (URL|shortcut)
Description: Unsubscribe from a feed
Auth Level: ADMIN
Where to give command: channel or private message
Outputs to: notice to sender

  • !unsubscribe
  • !unsubscribe http://www.deaded.com/backend/deaded.rdf
  • !unsubscribe deaded

Displaying feed information

Command: !feedinfo shortcut
Description: Display feed information
Auth Level: ADMIN
Where to give command: channel or private message
Outputs to: notice to sender

  • !feedinfo
  • !feedinfo deaded

Announcing new entries

Command: !announce <shortcut> [count] [start]
Description: announces entries from a feed in the current channel.
Auth Level: ADMIN
Where to give command: channel
Outputs to: channel

  • !announce deaded
  • !announce bbcworld 1
  • !announce wired 1 9

Change History

v1.0 Updated the Rome libraries to 0.9
v1.0beta6 First Version by jawe