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Server Auth (v1.3)



This plugin allows you to auth your bot with the IRC server system.

The Server Auth plugin allows you to auth your bot with an IRC server system so that you can automatically op or voice the bot. The auth request can be sent when the bot connects to the server, triggered at a later time with a command or when the server indicates that the bot is not authed (supports Freenode IRC network).


The configuration file for this plugin is system/ServerAuth/ServerAuthConfig.xml


The command for authing with a network bot. You can set the authLevel to control who is allowed to access the command.


    <commandServerAuth authLevel="admin">!sauth</commandServerAuth>



The system bot to send the auth request to.
The messageAtStartup attribute can be set to yes or no. When it is set to yes, the bot will try to auth when connecting to the IRC network. When set to no, it won't try to do it automatically.
The messageAtUnauthed attribute can be set to yes or no. When it is set to yes, the bot will try to auth if the IRC server reports that the bot is not authed. When set to no, it won't try to do it automatically. Currently the Freenode IRC network is supported. The minimumAutoAuthIntervalSeconds attribute adjusts how often the bot can try authing, to avoid authing too often if the authing fails. The value indicates the minimum number of seconds between two authentication attempts.

    <authBot messageAtStartup="yes" msgAtUnauthed="yes" minAutoAuthIntervalSeconds="300">Q@CServe.quakenet.org</authBot>



The message to send to the system bot for the auth request to.

    <authMessage>AUTH nick password</authMessage>



Whether to mask the hostname or not. This is server dependant.




Auth with a network service bot

Command: !sauth
Description: Sends configured auth information
Auth Level: admin
Where to give command: private message
Outputs to: Bot will auth

  • !sauth

Change History

v1.3 Added support for automatic authing on Freenode IRC network if the IRC server reports bot is not authed.
v1.2 Added support to join channels not in before authing (if join was performed to a registered channel before actaully being authed)
v1.1 Added config to allow bot to auth on connect or not and added private command to trigger the auth
v1.0 First Version by DeadEd